Saturday, November 23, 2013

Do you believe in fairy tales?

It's that time of year when folks go from store to store trying to find the "perfect" gift.  I often wonder if it even exists?   At The GameBoard we offer new and unusual gifts. Plus ways to try the product without making a deep commitment or without searching for the fairy tale of perfection.

In the last 30 years games have evolved becoming more elaborate and unique. Like clothes, not every game 'fits' or like a gourmet meal 'tastes' right for everyone.  Our lives are fast paced, our homes are busy and often have little room for storage. So we created a program that enables the game player to comfortably "try on" a game.  

5 years ago we took a chance and started our Game Rental program.  Others told us it couldn't work, that we would end up missing components of our games.  We told them our customers love games, they'll be careful, this will work!  We were right!

Not only does renting make your game closet is as big as ours but we store it for you! Every year we shop at 5 different conferences nationwide to bring you new and interesting products.  Some that you may want to play once others you might like to own. So then we stepped the program up a notch and offer you the rental fee as a credit towards your purchase of that game.

So next time you want to get a unique gift, first bring your family on a trip through our store.  Rent a game and show them a good time and if they like it, then you have a perfect gift idea!  One that will last for years and years of play-ability and great fairy tale memories!    

Here's to a great Thanksgiving and don't forget to rent a game and make those fairy tales come true!

Happy Holidays,
Love Lynn                                                                                              

Monday, November 4, 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen...fasten your seatbelts.

A while back I received a newsletter from the middle school, some of the tidbits in the letter struck me as odd, maybe even dated.  For example: "Pleasant good-byes can set the tone for the day. Get in the habit of saying, “Have a terrific day!” before going off to school and work."  See what I mean?....dated.  I mean I say love you or have a great day but I have always done that.  Can you imagine if your parents had never made a point to do this and tomorrow out of the blue they start with “Have a terrific day!” that your reaction would be "HUH?"  But I digress.

After all WHO wrote this?  Now granted the Principal doesn't have all the time in the world to be writing a whimsical newsletter or to make one sound as if he was update and cool so I was rather curious. At the bottom I found my answer, it was from an education resource company on the east coast.  So basically there is someone on the east coast thinking this stuff up or perhaps re-reading 1950's magazines for some 'new' ideas?

By now I was truly curious as to what else the newsletter requested of me.  So I went back to the top and continued reading on, reading regurgitated information....After all this has been said over and over again for years.   Give your kids a happy healthy environment and life will be a bed of roses, really do you believe that?

Then there it was..... perched at the bottom of the page in the font meant for important matters, my favorite part:
Tip: If your middle grader is uncomfortable seeing you at his activities, volunteer
for others. Or work behind the scenes — you could be on a parent committee
that meets while he’s not even at school.
WHAT!?!?!?!  Did you really just tell me that I am an embarrassment to my child and that  I should hide where he isn't offended by me?  That this is okay?  Are we back in the 19th century but only now it's 'Parents should not be seen or heard'?

By this time you can imagine what the neighbors are saying....because they can hear my reaction from a mile away. Can you blame me?  What are they teaching our kids, if the newsletter is telling me, I make my kids uncomfortable?  Isn't that my job? to make my kids uncomfortable? Comfortable people never grow and stretch, they don't test their boundaries.... they are complacent.

I want to be with my kids.  I want them to be proud of my help.  I want them to be willing to kiss me goodbye in public....oh wait....mine are all these things.  But why is that?  BECAUSE I don't allow them to stuff me in a closet or hide me away.  When my eldest son entered 3rd grade a mom told me in the hallway that she wasn't "allowed" to walk him to his classroom.  She thought this was "cute"... I was appalled.  It isn't cute, it's scary.  How did this 8 year old ever get in the position of telling his mom what to do?  Because she allowed it.

So folks, take it from me, don't let your kids parent you.  Parent them.  They will thank you for it.

Ladies and Gentlemen we are about to land....please return your tables and chairs to an upright position and stow your pride.  We should be landing in Parent Central in 2 minutes.  Thanks for flying with us!
